The Foundation’s representative and managing Nurse Practitioner, Mr. Abdiqani Abdullahi Askar visited Nugal, and the Mudug regions of Somalia. The visit included Burtinle village, Goldogo village, and Galkayo city. The aim of his visit was to treat mentally ill patients and also provide training to the medical staff of mental hospitals and clinics.
Burtinle village of Nugal region
Mr. Abdiqani started his visit in the village of Burtinle, located in the Nugal region. He met with the MOH coordinator of Burtinle and head of World Vision International. They discussed how to improve the mental health center in Burtinle. He also consulted and suggested that the World Vision International should provide medications for the mentally ill patients that are lacking support and treatments. He treated around 50 mentally ill patients in Burtinle. He also delivered an introduction mental health training course to the medical teams in Burtinle.
Goldogob village of Nugal region
In the village of Goldogob, Mr. Abdiqani stayed for 4 days and delivered hands-on training sessions for medical staff, as well as treating 40 mentally ill patients.
Galkayo City, Mudug Region
Mr. Abdiqani also visited the Galkayo Mental Health Center where he checked patients in, and managed their proper medication doses. He also adjusted their doses of medication , and trained staff members of the Galkayo Mental Health Center on how to administer the correct doses to the mental health patients, and how they can increase or decrease the medications.
The trip was very successful and many people benefitted from the work that was done.
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