Fadumo is 28 years old patient. She lives in a small village located about 30km west of Qardho called YAKA. She was born blind. Three of her brothers suffer from blindness at the same time. Unfortunately, the family is poor and can’t afford any treatment for her and her siblings. They are concerned about her future too.
Initially she presented with auditory hallucinations, disorganized speech, inappropriate affect with an occasionally euphoric mood, and grossly disorganized behavior and suspicious. Her sister brought her to SMHF Qardho Mental Health Center. We admitted to our inpatient department for acute psychotic, and Mr. Abdiqani Askar, Nurse Practitioner, prescribed antipsychotic Haloperidol injection. After 3 day she felt calm and he switched the treatment to Olanzapine tablet which she has been taking in the last 2 month with Allah’s help the medication has worked for her and she regained her health
She knows everything about her life specially recognize in different voices, reads the Holy Quran and chatting with other peoples. We discharged to her and give her flow up
Also 2 years Ago, Mr. Abdiqani diagnosed and treated one of her brothers with acute psychoses.
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